In the hastily assembled at the last minute members' bar
In the members' bar, note strategically positioned Southampton Beer Festival poster
More members' bar
Members' bar
The food stall at the hastily assembled members' bar
P-J and Tony "don't tell anyone" Waters
Roger the Cabin Boy (centre)
P-J, Veronica and Andy
"Psycho" Keith, Marc and Laura
Keith Marc and Laura again
Andy and Laura
John Swingler, Kim (facing away) and Andy
Ralph (left)
The bar after chucking out
Mick "I don't do that any more" Bolshaw
No idea
Er, a street in Glasgow. George Street, to be precise.
Silly road name - or is it a scandal of some sort?
Silly bar name!
He was in for the weekend but never made it to the bar.
In the Horseshoe Bar
Andy, Karen, Graham, Mick "I don't do that any more" Bolshaw in the Bon Accord
Rob will enjoy this
Keith & Andy
In the Bon Accord
Terry (left), Squatter (in blue), don't know who the others are.
The bar in the Bon Accord
In the AGM - Bob Jones is spouting his stuff at great length (Paula: "he always talks like that") Pat O'Neill is mounting the stage with a dagger.
Only kidding.
The National Executive. No calendars are planned.
Geoff Strawbridge. Several glaciers melted during this speech.
Marc "Goliath" with the 12th member of the NE.