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RAGCS Christmas Meal 2004

RAGCS and other Skynet 5 staff descend upon the Lone Barn, Bursledon, for nosh and Secret Santa - 21st December 2004
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The assembled crew

The other half of the table

Simon likes to photograph his willy. Julie is very enthusiatic

"I think you needed more exposure..."

A lovely pair

...and what's more, they're real

Jon (bearded) and Julie (no relation)

A flying visit from Tom Sheasby. Hi Tom! Don't forget your coat!

Oh it was terrible dahling, 6 hours in makeup

Julie - I wouldn't bend over like that with the Shagmeister General behind you

Simon's interest turns to the dessert board. No change there, then.

I'm sure there's some money in this shot somewhere

Bal's action man

Paul's shiny thing

My ace racer

Mel's jug (one of them, anyway)

Jacob's transport back

JB with mystery thingy, Steve with Decision Ball

Wolfy demonstrates the finer points of belly dancing

Not sure what Roger has here, but John likes it.

One surprised lion. And wouldn't you be with JR's arm up your chuff?

Simon hasn't mentioned motorsport f